PANPPD launches second round of Microgrant Program — Inclusive ‘Built Back Better’: Mental Health Responses to COVID-19 Phase II

The Pan African Network of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities (PANPPD) launches the second round of microgrant program — Inclusive ‘Built Back Better’: Mental Health Responses to COVID-19 Phase II. It aims to continue the support to national/local advocacy campaigns from PANPPD members from across Africa to raise awareness on the social and economic challenges precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic for persons with psychosocial disabilities and to advocate for responses to COVID-19 and for “building back better” policies and programs that are inclusive, human rights- and community- based, and that include psychosocial support and other alternatives to the medical model as a key component. Application deadline is 15 April 2022. 

More about the application process: Word Version: panppd_phase_2_grant_call_for_proposals_final (1)

PDF Version: panppd_phase_2_grant_call_for_proposals_final:

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