ADF is a continental forum to unify and amplify the voice of persons with disabilities, their families and organizations in Africa at national, regional and international levels, and to strengthen the capacity of organizations of persons with disabilities in Africa to promote the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities and their families.
The disability movement in Africa, composed of OPDs at all levels, is increasingly spearheading the fight for recognition and respect of the rights of persons with disabilities.

Economic Empowerment

Education Opportunities
Make a Difference Now!
In 2021, approximately 1.3 billion people globally or 16 per cent of the population have disability, of which 80 per cent live in developing countries, according to the latest data on disability published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Transform lives today by donating to help African Disability Forum achieve its goals.
We are Able!
We are able! is a programme that helps people with disabilities achieve a sustainable, fully-fledged place in their community, so that they have greater food security.
We Are Able! wants to enable people with disabilities to stand up for their own rights and thus gain access to basic services – even in times of crisis.
Strengthening Partnerships to Advance Disability Rights in Africa.
The project’s overall objective is to advance gender and disability rights in Africa through strengthening Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) capacity and cross-disability and mainstream partnerships at Pan African, sub regional and national levels.

We Can Work
The We Can Work is a new initiative that will enable young women and men with disabilities to access dignified and fulfilling work. ADF, Light For The World and the Mastercard Foundation have partnered to enable young people to access dignified and fulfilling work by 2030.
The objective of the initiative is to promote inclusive systems and mindset that enable 150,000 young women and men with disabilities to access and engage in dignified and fulfilling work and participate in society as respected economic actors in seven countries in Africa.

Idriss A Maiga
Chairperson of ADF Executive Council
our vision
An inclusive Africa where all persons with disabilities and their families have their rights and voices respected and participate actively in the life of their communities and nations.
our Mission
Promote the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities and their families in Africa through empowerment and participation, unifying and amplifying their voices, and strengthening their organizations and partnerships.
OUR Latest News
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ADF are actively engaging African OPD’s all over Africa organizing education programs and assisting African OPD’s with strengthening their efforts on the ground while amplify the voice of persons with disabilities, their families and organizations in Africa at national, regional and international levels, and to strengthen the capacity of organizations of persons with disabilities in Africa to promote the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities and their families.

Be the Change... Make a Difference Now!
ADF works with a wide range of NGOs, CBOs, Donor organisations and international partners
Here are some of the most prominent partners that as joined hands with us in our endeavours to unify and amplify the voice of persons with disabilities, their families and organizations in Africa at national, regional and international levels, and to strengthen the capacity of organizations of persons with disabilities in Africa