Civil Society Strengthening Program (CSSO)

CSSO Program has five mandatory quality perspectives of reaching most marginalized and deprived children, child rights programming, responding to the climate and environmental crisis that threatens children’s survival, learning and protection, and promoting and integrating gender equality, and Conflict sensitivity.


Implementation Partners

The global Civil Society Strengthening Program (2022-2026), funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) has the overall goal to: Support a strong civil society that demands and supports the fulfilment of children’s rights– holding states to account and mobilising and empowering children and their communities. 

Four key outcome areas are linked to the overall ambition and program goal. The outcome areas are directly linked to the Swedish government´s strategy that guides the funding for the global Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) program, and the Child Rights Programming approach.  


Location:  The programme targets countries in the East and Southern Africa region.

Specific Objectives

  • Civil Society Capacity: Civil Society Organisations are well functioning and have increased their independence, sustainability, and competency as child rights actors in a changing context. 
  • Children’s Agency: Children express their views and organise themselves around issues of their concern. 
  • Child Rights: CSOs advocate and hold states to account for the fulfilment of children’s rights and equitable access to quality services. 
  • Civic Space: CSOs have opportunities for civil society influence, and Save the Children acts to uphold and expand civic space. 

Period: The program has been running from 2022-2026.

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