Pan African Network for Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities (PANPPD)


a) Supporting activists: We work with psychosocial disability activists in Africa to help people create effective change movements. Disability activists describe the changes they hope to see and the resources they’ll need to get there. Together, we create a customized long-term assistance package to assist activists in gaining access to the tools, skills, and resources they require to effect change.

b) Creating movements: We work with groups of activists with psychosocial disabilities to help them develop robust, long-term organizations that may have a growing influence. We then assist these organizations in connecting with one another in order to form larger movements, and we collaborate with them to advance the rights of people with disabilities.

c) Changing people’s minds. We collaborate with organizations of people with psychosocial disabilities to lobby governments, international development agencies, and the business sector to establish policies and services that address the needs of people with disabilities on a local and global level.

PANPPD’s Regional & Global Partners

The most efficient strategy to ensure that no person with psychosocial disabilities is forgotten is to work together. That is why we collaborate with national and international organizations to make sure that people’s views are heard. The following organizations are our active partners:

African Disability Forum

Humanity International

Open Society Funds

International Disability Alliance (IDA)

International Bureau of Epilepsy Africa



The Registered Trustee of Pan African Network of People with Psychosocial Disabilities is established as a Continental organisation to represent the legitimate voice of people living with psychosocial disabilities in Africa. It aims to increase continental solidarity amongst organizations that promote and protect the rights of people with psychosocial disabilities.


The organisation will seek to achieve the following objectives pursuant of its mission:

  • To ensure that member organisations work towards improving the quality of life of people with psychosocial disabilities in Africa so that they may reclaim their dignity and achieve equal rights and opportunities;
  • To function as an advocacy mechanism that is dedicated to social justice, human rights, empowerment, social development and full participation and inclusion of all people with psychosocial disabilities in Africa;
  • To promote the establishment of national organisations and to support and promote their work and that of existing member organisations;
  • To network and build relationships with other civil society organisations, intergovernmental organisations, regional bodies, governments and other relevant institutions and individuals to further its mission; and
  • To be an African forum and network for the exchange of knowledge, raising awareness and the promotion of research regarding psychosocial disability.

Click to read about PANPPD’s Board Members: PANPPD BOARD MEMBERS

Member Organisations

AMUSAMI – Associao Mocambicana dos Usarios Sante Mental

AVL Togo

Enlight Abilities Zambia

Festus Fajemilo Foundation – Nigeria

KAANI Disabled – Kenya

Mental Awareness Foundation Nigeria

Mental Health Botswana

Mental Health Society – Ghana

Mental Health Users & Carers – Malawi

Mental Health Users National Association of Zambia

Mental Movers

Mind Freedom Ghana

My Story – Uganda

National Org of Users & Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda

OCA Zimbabwe

Service Users and Family Members Association Sierra Leone

Triumph Mental Program

TUSPO – Tanzania

UBUNTU – South Africa

Uganda National Self Advocacy Initiative

Users & Survivors Psychiatry – Kenya

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