Co-creating inclusive governance for access to basic resources that leaves no one behind
We are able! is a programme that helps people with disabilities achieve a sustainable, fully-fledged place in their community, so that they have greater food security. By 2025, through engagement with the public authorities (formal and informal powerholders), men, women and youth with disabilities and other excluded groups, through resilient and capable local Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) & Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in six fragile and conflict-affected countries, are successfully influencing laws, policies, practices and norms for IMPROVED FOOD SECURITY FOR ALL

Make a Difference Now!
In 2021, approximately 1.3 billion people globally or 16 per cent of the population have disability, of which 80 per cent live in developing countries, according to the latest data on disability published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Transform lives today by donating to help African Disability Forum achieve its goals.
Donate HereWE ARE ABLE!
Implementation Partners
The project is implemented by a consortium of organizations consisting of ZOA, ADF, See You Foundation, The Leprosy Mission Netherlands, VNG International and The Hague Academy for Local Governance.

- Project Details
Location: Implemented (together with the local partners) in six African countries namely Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda
Focal Areas: We focus on people with disabilities who do not have access to basic services, people who are excluded. We aim to strengthen their voices and resilience, so that they can stand up for themselves. We involve them in legislation and policy, and we work together with local organisations and Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). To promote dialogue between people with disabilities and authorities, we work with formal and informal authorities at the national and international level.
Period: This is a five year programme (January 2021-December 2025)