A boy and a girl both in wheelchairs looking on the right and smiling

Survey on funding by the European Union in the World

Over the past two years, the European Commission has been developing its new policy to fund international development activities. This policy is currently known as the Neighbourhood, International Development and Cooperation Instrument or the NDICI for short. EU Delegations are responsible for shaping how the priorities and goals of the NDICI will be implemented at the local level – this process is known as programming. As part of the programme exercise, EU Delegations have to consult with a broad range of civil society actors. This, of course, should include International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) and the European Disability Forum (EDF) members and partners who work in development cooperation. IDDC and EDF have been reaching out to the European Commission and European External Action Service to remind them of their CRPD obligations – so this is to find out whether this happened or not.  You can read our recent joint statement here. The programme period is nearing its close, and the next step is for the EU Delegations to draft their programming documents. The IDDC EU Task Group and EDF want to know two things: 1. As an organisation of persons with disabilities organisation (OPD) or network; or as an organisation that works on disability rights & inclusion – were you aware and did you participate in any programming consultations? 2. If you did participate, what was the level of awareness on issues concerning disability? 3.  It is also useful for us to know if you were not aware of the civil society consultations – this helps to build a picture of how inclusive (or not) the programming process has been. We can use this to improve opportunities to dialogue with EU Delegations in the future. Thanks for taking the few minutes needed to complete the survey. It is available in English, French and Spanish. French  / English / Spanish / We will prepare a report based on the responses received (no personal information will be shared!). If you have any problems accessing the survey, please contact Ruth Faber Download IDDC and EDF joint statement on disability-inclusive programming here.
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