Ghana Workshop on CRPD and SDGs reporting processes and GDS Commitments review

From 22 to 25 February 2021, the Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations (GFD), African Disability Forum (ADF), Disabled Peoples Organisations (DPOD) and the International Disability Alliance (IDA) are holding the Workshop on CRPD and SDGs reporting processes and GDS Commitments review.  From the lessons learned from the VNR review, the GDS commitments as well as under the impact of the COVID 19 humanitarian situation, and with the upcoming review before the CRPD Committee and the preparations for the GDS 2022, the Ghana DPOs are desired to reinforce their capacities on reporting preparation and presentation in front of the international community.


These 4 (four) days’ workshop scheduled for February 2021 is being organized by the GFD, ADF, DPOD and IDA with the objectives of:

  • Improve DPOs understanding of the CRPD Committee’s review process and all opportunities for participation,
  • Provide substantive and formal considerations for finalisation of a draft report by GFD, members and partners to the CRPD Committee,
  • Provide a good understanding of the SDGs and their links to the CRPD,
  • Review commitments made during the GDS 2018 and prepare recommendations for the GDS 2021.


The workshop would accommodate 32 participants, in a total maximum of 43 people including support people, admin and facilitators.

  • Download the full agenda here. 
  • Download the concept note here.

Other resources

>>Learn more about COVID-19 and the disability movement here.
>>Learn more about the Agenda 2030 and the CRPD here.
>>Learn more about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) here

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