The 4th Cohort of the Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice commenced this week at Chuka University

The Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice (NSSCJ) is an initiative pioneered by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) and is currently co-coordinated with Chuka University based in the small town of Chuka that is located 189km away from Nairobi, Kenya. The school is designed to provide a timely opportunity for long-standing scholar-activists, community-based scholars and the younger generation of climate justice advocates as well as practitioners from the Global South and North. Summer school participants will share experiences, exchange perspectives and collectively reflect on just, equitable and inclusive pathways to a low-carbon, climate-resilient development trajectory using modules that are designed in practical and uncomplicated ways.

The African Disability Forum (ADF) is participating in the school initiative with the support of Save the Children International and in collaboration with PACJA. Their presence aims to highlight the importance of incorporating disability considerations. One of their interventions is detailed below:

For this intervention and the specific question of ADF, the Regional Environment and Climate Change Specialist from Sida, Mr. Robert Muthami, responded as follows. He emphasized the importance of the question and highlighted the need to advance the issue by engaging in civil society movements. He stressed the significance of understanding the roles and spaces of different groups in ongoing processes. Additionally, he underlined the crucial role of mapping for potential policy dialogue engagement and coordination.

The ADF delegate also met with Mr. Ayele Kebede, the Program Manager for Sida’s Regional Development Cooperation Africa, Environment and Climate at the Embassy of Sweden in Addis Ababa, and Prof. Satishkumar Belliethathan, Ph.D., Head of the Africa Regional Office at NABU. The brief discussion emphasized the importance of reinforcing inclusion in the Summer School by involving youth with disabilities in the upcoming cohorts.

Follow the initiative here:


– Pan African Climate Justice Aliance: @PACJA1

– Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice: @Summer_School1


Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice

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