Participant and trainers standing together holding a banner that reads: Disability Inclusive Child Rights Advocacy Training of Trainers Workshop

Disability-Inclusive Child Rights Training of Trainers Concludes Successfully!

As one of the final activities under the Civil Society Strengthening Program, in partnership with Save the Children International, a three-day Disability-Inclusive Child Rights Training of Trainers was successfully held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 28-30 November 2024.

The training brought together dedicated participants from across the East Africa region, all passionate about turning knowledge into action. The sessions were highly participatory, with a strong focus on how to intentionally include children with disabilities in programs for the Organization of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs).

Key outcomes from the event included participants’ commitments to improving child participation in their respective OPDs. Additionally, they exchanged insights on the disability card, which is currently in advanced stage in Kenya, and requested further support from ADF to foster cross-country learning.

We are excited to see how these newly trained facilitators will amplify the voices of children with disabilities and raise awareness on the importance of inclusion. ADF remains committed to strengthening the capacity of its members in the coming years to drive meaningful change for children with disabilities.

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