ADF Structure

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest authority of the ADF and meets every 4 years. The General Assembly is composed of 2 voting delegates (1 male, 1 female) from each ADF full member continental DPO organization, and 2 voting delegates (1 male, 1 female) from each ADF full member sub-regional DPO federation. Only ADF member organizations which are current in their ADF dues payments are permitted to send voting delegates to the General Assembly.

In addition, the General Assembly is composed of 4 voting delegates (2 male, 2 female) elected by ADF member national federations in each of 5 sub-regions (20 total voting delegates). Criteria for the election of voting delegates ensure representation by different disability groups and youth with disabilities and limit representation to no more than one person from the same country. The ADF Bylaws spell out in greater detail the criteria and modalities for election of voting delegates to the General Assembly.

Executive Council

The General Assembly elects every four years the 9 members of the ADF Executive Council. Election of officers and members take into consideration gender, type of disability, and regional representation. The ADF Bylaws spell out in greater detail the criteria and modalities for election of Council officers and members, who must be members of and nominated by an ADF full member organization. The ADF Chairperson chairs Executive Council meetings. The ADF Office Director serves as an ex-officio Council member. The following are the current officers and members of the ADF Executive Council:

  • Mr. Idriss Alzouma Maiga (Niger), Chairperson
  • Ms. Robinah Alambuya (Uganda), Vice-Chair
  • Ms. Judith Ekaete Umoh (Nigeria), Secretary
  • Mr. Indouma Olivier (Gabon), Treasurer
  • Ms. Nyigina Adelaide (Burundi), Representative for women with disabilities
  • Mr. Kargbo Santigi (Sierra Leone), Representative for youth with disabilities
  • Mr. Jaleel Auberon Odoom (Ghana), Representative for families having a member with a disability
  • Mr. Ayassou Komivi (Togo), Representative for elderly persons with disabilities
  • Ms. Cantol Alexandre Ponja (Mozambique) Representative for Under Represented group
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